Novels (and Children’s books) are challenging to develop, market and sell – if you’re not already a celebrity.
At any rate, Gold Leaf Press welcomes (and emphatically encourages!) the opportunity to conduct an Editorial Assessment and Editorial Development (mandatory 90% of the time) for works of fiction.
Depending on your genre and potential readership, we can collaborate with you throughout each phase of the creative, graphic production, and publication process to assure you develop, illustrate, format, and publish as professionally, competitively, and cost-effectively as possible.
For those fiction writers who will pursue Agent representation and a traditional publishing contract, we can work with you to create magnetic query and cover letters and a book prospectus/submission package.
We can also work with you after you have chosen a “book packager” or secured an agent to throw in our “two cents” regarding your contract (we basically let you know if it’s fair in terms of typical, traditional offers) and after publication, we can work with you to publicize, market and sell your book. Yes, that’s right – even if you’re published by a “big house” – or a small book packager who promises “distribution” – you still have a great deal of responsibility regarding making your books successful enough to get reviews, attention, and readers!
What type of Fiction does Gold Leaf Press accept into its Collaborative Publishing Program?
Historical and Niche Fiction
“To Rebecca Ensign, Ms. Gold Leaf Press herself, who added a word (of encouragement), a phrase (of understanding), a line (of bull), a sentence (of stability), a paragraph (of compassion), and a page (of direction) to the process.”
-Mike Worden, author, The Heroes of Henley’s Woods; (Historical fiction); Gold Leaf Press; 1998
Both of these sub-genres – Historical Fiction and Niche Fiction – lend themselves to many marketing options and sales channels because they offer more than just a good story (when they are well-edited, of course). They educate and enlighten as well as entertain.
Gold Leaf Press has placed its historical fiction titles in many University and College courses and specialty shops throughout North America.
If you are writing a work of fiction, or if you have completed a fiction manuscript, Gold Leaf Press heavily encourages you to schedule a Gold Leaf Press Editorial Assessment. This critical step will save you (years of) frustration and hundreds (thousands?!) of dollars.